...brought to you by the CNPS San Diego Chapter's Native Gardening Committee.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Busy Week!

Lucy Warren, Jake Sibley, Jan Keeney at registration desk. Photo by Hei-ock Kim
First, I wanted to announce my new position - CNPS Horticulture Program Director! I'll be reporting directly to Dan Gluesenkamp, the Executive Director.

While the Horticulture Program Director is a new staff position, native plant gardening and horticulture have been fundamental to CNPS since the earliest days of the organization. Chapter plant sales are important fundraising tools. Garden tours and Horticulture Symposia have attracted hundreds of new members. CNPS promotion of native plant horticulture has resulted in broad acceptance of the concept, and thousands of individuals and businesses are now involved in native plant gardening. CNPS will continue these successful activities, while reinvesting in native plant gardening resources and initiatives that inspire and serve long‐term conservation of our precious plants and plant communities.

As Horticulture Program Director, I will be an advocate for California native plant horticulture. I will collaborate to update CNPS native plant horticulture strategies and program goals, and will lead in developing ongoing financial support. Fun parts of the job: supporting existing chapter horticulture activities (including trainings, symposia, garden tours, nurseries), while working with leaders to share successful models and develop new initiatives. I'll work with other CNPS staff to develop outreach materials and communication tools, including assisting with publication of horticulture books and supervising the completion of an online horticulture database.

So, I look forward to expanding the great things we've done here in San Diego and sharing what other chapters have implemented. We can all learn from each other.

Speaking of learning, we had our successful Native Gardening Symposium on Saturday in Balboa Park. What an event! I'll post photos shortly. Kudos to Jake Sibley and Will Johnson for their tremendous efforts. Please give them a big hug next time you see them!

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